Crossed fused renal ectopia- A rare autopsy based finding

Authors : Afsar Jahan, Vikash Chandra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2021.007

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 28-30

Crossed fused kidney place in an unusual area are the congenital developmental malformation of urinary tract. There are many variants of ectopic renal presentation. In this malformation both the kidneys are anatomically located at one side of the body over each other and inferior CFRE is the most frequent type observed. The condition is generally asymptomatic and diagnosed as an incidental radiology finding and Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT), urography is the investigation of choice. Autopsy based kidney specimens with gross anomalies can be rich source of knowledge about renal pathology.

Keywords: Cross fused renal ectopia, Autopsy kidney findings, Ectopic kidney, and Young male.

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