Abuse of topical steroids in VKC resulting in steroid induced glaucoma in paediatric age group

Authors : Shweta. B. Karanvi, Shweta. B. Karanvi, Rani Sujatha MA, Rani Sujatha MA

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2021.012

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 60-63

Aim: To study the abuse of topical steroids in vernal keratoconjunctivitis resulting in steroid induced glaucoma in paediatric age group in rural population of Bangalore
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of patients who were using topical steroids in VKC from July 2018 to august 2019. A total of 600 patients which were on treatment for nearly 2yrs were reviewed. Age ranged from 8 to 16 years.
Results: Out of total 600 patients, 360 patients were using topical steroids. 25 patients had steroid induced glaucoma; hence the prevalence was around 4.16%. The mean IOP was 308mmhg and mean cup disc ratio was 0.560.22. Out of 240 patients using unknown steroids 14 patients had steroid induced glaucoma with mean IOP 326mmhg and cup disc ratio 0.480.25
Conclusion: abuse of steroids leads to vision threatening complications like glaucoma in children VKC,hence the vision and IOP monitoring every 15 days and using of weak steroids can be helpful for the prevention of the disease at the earliest.

Keywords: Glaucoma.

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