To study ductal carcinoma breast with histopathological grades of Nottingham score

Authors : Pooja Agarwal, Pooja Agarwal, Dupinder Kaur, Dupinder Kaur

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2021.006

Volume : 11

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 20-22

Background & Methods : This case study was prospective and retrospective. Prospective cases were selected from the patients admitted for surgery of invasive ductal carcinoma breast in Medical College Hospital. As regards retrospective cases, they were obtained from the histopathological records obtained from Pathology department of SRMS-IMS, Bareilly.
Result: Out of 56 cases, 52 cases (92.85%) had undergone modified radical mastectomy under which whole breast tissue including axillary tail, nipple, surrounding skin were excised. In 2 cases (3.57%) radical mastectomy was done under which besides pectoralis muscles was also excised. In 2 cases (3.57%) core biopsies from breast were taken. The quick scoring of ER & PR is combination of proportion and intensity scoring. Out of 56 cases, 24 cases (42.85%) were ER negative & 22 cases (39.28%) were PR negative while both were negative in 18 cases (32.14%).
Study Designed: Observational Study
Conclusion: For all invasive carcinomas, hormone receptor status is also studied using immunoperoxidase method and Quick scoring was done. The Quick score for ER was 0 in 42.85% (24/56) cases and for PR was 0 in 39.28% (22/56) cases, indicating no hormone expression in majority.

Keywords: Carcinoma Breast Histopathological & Nottingham score.


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