Comparative study of bone marrow clot section with bone marrow aspiration smears in various haematological conditions

Authors : Vidya Vasudev, Anil J, Bharathi M

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2021.045

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 228-231

Introduction: Bone marrow examination has become an indispensable in diagnosis of Haematological and Non haematological diseases. It is very easy and rapid compared to other expensive and time consuming investigation, bone marrow examination i.e. aspiration and clot section done simultaneously, can yield good diagnostic material.
Aims a nd Objectives: This study was aimed to assess diagnostic value of BMA and Bone Marrow Clot section and role of both procedures to reach final diagnosis when done simultaneously.
Materials a nd Methods: This study was done on 30 cases in which peripheral blood smear, bone marrow aspiration and cell blocks were available and included in study. Bone marrow aspiration was performed, cell block was prepared and stained with H&E and smears were stained with Leishman stain.
Results: BMA Smears were compared with Paraffin embedded cell block section. Out of 30 cases there were 20 cases (66.66%) of anaemias, 04 cases (13.33%) lymphoid neoplasms, 04 cases (13.33%) Acute leukemia, 01case (3.33%) MPD, 01case (3.33%) Metastatic deposit. In 09 cases i.e. 30% cell block was unsatisfactory.
Conclusion: Morphology was better in aspirate smear than clot section but Megakaryocytes, Eosinophilic precursor and Megaloblastic changes was appreciated in cell block sections. The advantage of both procedures done together provide more material and may help in more accurate diagnosis.

Keywords: BMA, Paraffin embedded clot section, Leishman stain, H&E.

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