Medovaha srotas and its relation to sthaulyata (Obesity)

Authors : Brajesh Gupta, P C Chaudhary, Smriti Pandey, Hemant Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpp.2021.023

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 146-150

Background: The internal transport system of the body, represented by Srotamsi has been given a place of fundamental importance in Ayurveda both health and disease. Srotas are described as channels through which oozing of the fluids takes place. There are 13 srotas as described by Acharya Charak and 11 pairs as per Acharya Sushruta. Both have described the Medovaha Srotas and the vitiation of which leads to diseases of which Sthaulyata (Obesity) is one. According to Acharya Sushruta, the concept of Prakriti (body constitution) of an individual is derived by the predominance of Doshas at the time of fertilization. The
entire health of an individual depends upon the Prakriti and health of a person is being affected according to it.
Aim of the Study: The present study is being done to find out the basic concept of medovaha srotas described in Ayurveda whose vitiation is the cause of medovriddhi (overweight and obesity) and its relation with the prakriti.
Materials and Methods: It was a clinical study conducted on total 150 cases in State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow. The main tools used to conduct this study were the B.M.I criteria recommended by W.H.O and proforma of Prakriti Parishan.
Results: The vitiation of medovaha srotas affects all the prakriti person almost in same manner i.e., fat accumulate beneath the skinfold and thyroid hormones level has relation with overweight and obesity. However the number of kaphaja prakriti persons showed that these are more prone to develop Obesity/overweight as a result of Medovaha srotodusthi.

Keywords: Srotas, Sthaulyata, Prakriti, Medovriddhi.

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