Customer perception-cum-preferences in jewellery purchases from goldsmiths versus retail shops in Kerala

Authors : K.V Pradeep, K.V Pradeep, N Karunakaran, N Karunakaran

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2021.013

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 53-60

Customer perception and preferences are determined by a host of factors and the importance among them is economic and psychological. Considering gold as an investment-cum-custom-oriented commodity the demand ramifications are vivid. The present system of retailing in gold jewellery business in Kerala has almost eclipsed the importance of traditional goldsmiths in ornament making and sale. The study based on primary data and empirically substantiated with factor analysis shows that selection of design is a major reason for preference in jewellery purchase from shops. Advertisements and promotional activities do influence the purchase decision from the retail jewellery shops.

Keywords: Customer perception, Preference, Jewellery shops, Consumer behaviour, factor analysis, Kerala.

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