Evaluation of some pharmacognostic parameters of the herbs for a traditional hematinic (Haematol -B) powdered formulation in Ogbomoso, Nigeria

Authors : A.T.J Ogunkunle, J.E. Ideh, G.F. Olaniran, F.O. Olu

DOI : 10.18231/j.jpbs.2021.007

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 48-62

The traditional hematinic oral powdered herbal drug (Haematol-B) from Ogbomoso, Nigeria had been characterized in terms of its botanical constituents, ascorbic acid and mineral elements composition, but there is inadequate information on the pharmacognostic properties of the ten herbal materials for its formulation. Therefore the objective of this study was to evaluatethe bark and wood anatomy (as appropriate) of seven of these herbs with a view to highlighting the diagnostic markers for their authentication. Following the conventional anatomical procedures of transverse sectioning (TS) and tissue maceration (TIM), a total of 21 characters were drawn from the barks (root or stem as appropriate) of the seven woody species studied, while 41 characteristics of the wood in the roots of three of the species were compiled using TS, transverse longitudinal sectioning (TLS), radial longitudinal sectioning (RLS) and TIM techniques. Staining, mounting and microscopic examinations followed, and the observed features were taxonomically described in accordance with the provisions of International Association of Wood Anatomists. Their diagnostic values among the medicinal herbs studied were also explored. The bark anatomical features that can be used to diagnose the species studied were those of the secondary cortex, phloem rays, axial parenchyma, sclereids and resin ducts. The wood anatomical markers included features of the vessels in the TS and variable ray characteristics in the TLS. The two artificial keys constructed from discontinuities in qualitative and quantitative anatomical features of the barks and the wood are useful tools for avoiding misidentification of the herbal materials studied.

Keywords: Hematinic, Herbal drug standardization, Medicinal herb authentication, Pharmacognosy, wood anatomy.

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