Development of novel HPTLC method for determination of imidazole antifungal drug fenticonazole: Exploring hydrotropy

Authors : Minakshi D Pawara, Snehal Pardeshi, Amol R Gaware, Amod S Patil, Manoj V Girase

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpca.2021.016

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 79-83

A novel High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) method was portrayed for the determination of Fenticonazole Nitrate (FTZ) in Bulk and Vaginal Capsules. The estimation of Fenticonazole Nitrate was achieved on aluminium pre-coated sheets of silica gel 60 F(10 cm × 10 cm) using mobile phase Toluene: Methanol: Triethylamine (4:1:0.5 v/v/v). Densitometry detection of Fenticonazole Nitrate was performed at 254nm. Fenticonazole nitrate demonstrated a strong correlation with a coefficient of correlation of 0.999 over the concentration range of 500 – 3000 ng/band. The Rvalue for Fenticonazole Nitrate was found to be 0.65. As per International Conference on Harmonization the established method was successfully validated to various parameters like accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, robustness and shows the satisfactory results for all parameters. The recognized method is simple, accurate, precise, robust, sensitive and economical in nature. This method can be used for quality control analysis of Fenticonazole Nitrate in bulk and vaginal capsules.

Keywords: Fenticonazole nitrate, HPTLC, Vaginal capsule, Hydrotropy

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