A short term follow up of the complex type IIIB supracondylar femur fracture with intercondylar extension and massive segmental bone loss managed by dual plating –masquelet technique

Authors : Prashanth Dhanraj, Prathyush Chitithoti, Roshan Jaiswal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijos.2021.041

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 254-259

Aim: Preventing infection, restoring normal anatomy, and early full functional ROM.
Materials and Methods: The Masquelet technique is a staged procedure in which a temporary skeletal stabilization is paired with implantation of an antibiotic spacer and left in place for 6–8 weeks, during which a “pseudo-membrane” form around the cemented spacer. During the second stage, the membrane is incised, and the antibiotic spacer is removed, and a bone graft is placed. In our case where a significant segmental femur loss in opting for limb salvage. In our study term between 2018 to 2021, we have considered grade II and Grade III compound injuries with significant bone loss and with no Distal Neuro Vascular Defiscities with proper follow-up.
Reselt: All the cases operated developed full range of motion over the knee and started weight-bearing from the 8 month of initial surgery with no limb length discrepancy.
Conclusion: Dual plating method with the Masquelet technique showed promising output for the grade II & grade III b supracondylar fractures with significant bone loss. however, it depends on the co-morbidities and the lifestyle of the individual to get adequate output.

Keywords : Dual plating, Masquelet technique.

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