Axillary crystallizing galactocele masqueradingmalignancy:A rare case report andreview of literature

Authors : Swati Raj, Abhishek Baunihiyal, Shalini Shah, Naveen Thapliyal

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2021.035

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 142-144

Galactocele are the most common benign lesion in lactating breast, whereas crystallizing galactocele are the rare variant. Axillary crystallizing galactocele are extremely rare to see , most commonly occur due to wrong breastfeeding technique. FNAC smear shows variety of crystals along with cysteine like crystals in a background of granular amorphous material or lipid micelles.

Keywords : Axillary crystallizing galactocele, Breastfeeding technique, Aspirated material.

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