The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in sewage waste water: A review

Authors : Rupak Kumar, Anuradha Saha

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmr.2021.038

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 185-190

Since one and half years, the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 virus (disease caused is Covid-19) has ruined the entire humanity in unimaginable ways, whether it is economy or unemployment or children mental health disorder or large number of deaths. There is no country in the world which is not affected by this virus. In some countries, this pandemic is coming in the form of outbreak such as first wave of pandemic then after some gap period, second wave of pandemic. In country like India, the second wave of corona pandemic has crippled the economy, public health safety and at the same time put a big question on the health infrastructure of entire nation whether it is availability of oxygen cylinders, or testing facility, hospital bed or ventilators. The actual number of patients who can get affected had not been estimated correctly. This poses more problems due to asymptomatic nature of the expression of COVID-19 on individual basis. Tragically, for developing countries like India with high population density, the situation has been more complex. Additionally, more amount of waste from the Covid affected population goes to effluent water, waste water coming out of residential area, hospitals, isolation centres and so on. In this review article, we have focused on presence of corona virus and infection transmission through effluent water in country like India with huge number of population and also provide further scope in research to inform future studies.

Keywords : SARS- CoV-2, COVID- 19, Waste water, Sewage, Developing countries.

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