Postero-supero-lateral dislocation of condyle: A case report

Authors : Geeta Singh, U Vignesh, Sneha Gupta, Ravi Katrolia

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2020.028

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 115-117

Condylar dislocation involves a non- self limiting displacement of the condyle, outside of its functional position. The most common condylar dislocation is anterior to the articular eminence. There may be medial, lateral, posterior, intracranial dislocations. Condylar dislocations constitutes only 3% of all the dislocations of joint in the body. Dislocations along with a fracture is very rare. This is a case report reviewing a postero-supero-lateral dislocation of condyle into the external acoustic meatus and perforating it without corporation of other fractures.

Keywords: Postero-supero-lateral, Dislocation of condyle.

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