Consolidation in the banking industry: HR challenges, consequences and solutions

Authors : T Bayavanda Chinnappa, T Bayavanda Chinnappa, N Karunakaran, N Karunakaran

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2021.030

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 147-151

Liberalization and deregulation process started in 1991 has made lot of changes in the banking system. From a totally regulated environment, banking institutions have moved into a market driven competitive system. Changes gained momentum in the last few years. Globalization would gain greater speed in coming years particularly on account of expected opening up of financial services under WTO. Four trends changed the banking industry world over, viz, consolidation of players through mergers and acquisitions, globalization of operations, development of new technology, and universalisation of banking.

Keywords: Consolidation, Banking industry, HR challenges, consequences, solutions

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