Efficacy of topical Interferon Alfa- 2b used as an adjunct in the management of primary OSSN

Authors : Gursimran Kaur, Prasoon Pandey, Nirpal Shukla, Ram Shukla, Jasjit Kaur

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2021.052

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 250-256

Objective: To assess the efficacy of topical interferon alfa-2b as an adjunct therapy in the management of primary ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN).
Materials and Methods : Clinically visible OSSN on slit lamp examination in 21 patients (21 tumors) was managed with topical interferon alfa-2b, 1 million IU/mL, 4times daily for a period of one month, before subjecting the patients to definitive surgery. The patients were periodically observed, over a period of 6 months. Tumor control and complications were evaluated according to American Joint Committee on Cancer classification. A significant reduction in size, was noted in smaller tumors. Final diagnosis and staging was done after histopathological examination of the surgically excised tumour, which had been excised with a 4mm margin. Bigger extensive lesion did not show appreciable response in terms of appearance or reduction of size.
Results: Tumor size was found to be reduced significantly in 19 out of 21 tumors (%) following topical interferon alfa-2b treatment for a period of 1 month, from the presentation. Of the 19 tumors, tumor surface area was reduced 44% (median). Two patients (8.3%) did not respond to the treatment.
Based on American Joint Committee on Cancer classification, significant reduction was achieved in 2 of 3 Tis (67%), 17 of 20 T3 (85%), 19 of 23 N0 (83%), and 19 of 23 M0 (83%) category tumors.
Conclusion: According to American Joint Committee on Cancer classification, significant reduction with topical interferon alfa-2b can be achieved in 67% of Tis, 85% of T3, and 83% of all OSSN.
Keywords: OSSN, Interferon alfa 2b, AJCC

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