Evaluation of hyperalgesic effect of sitagliptin in albino mice

Authors : Manish Kumar, Saajid Hameed, Amritanshu Shekhar, Manoj Kumar, Lalit Mohan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcaap.2021.025

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 140-143

Objective: Various studies have showed the increased incidence of joint pain with the use of DPP-4 inhibitors. There is also some evidence of increase in inflammatory mediators like substance P, SDF-1 and other cytokines with the inhibition of DPP-4 from some experimental studies. But this association is still unclear and DPP-4 inhibitor continue to be prescribed in inflammatory disorders. So, this study was planned to assess the development of hyperalgesia in albino mice with the use of sitagliptin.
Materials and Methods: Sitagliptin dissolved in saline was administered in the doses of 10, 20, 30 mg/kg to Albino mice of either sex weighing 25-30 gm. Hyperalgesia was assessed in the mice with hot plate method and acetic acid induced writhing test.
Results: We found that reaction time of the mice receiving higher dose of Sitagliptin in hot plate method was lower than that of mice receiving lower doses or distilled water (P-Value <0> Conclusion: Our findings show that in a cohort of mice receiving Sitagliptin and distilled water at baseline, there was significant association between dose of Sitagliptin and hyperalgesia. However, P-Value was greater than 0.01, but with these finding we can’t rule out this association and need for further prospective studies to assess the relationship between DPP-4 inhibitors and hyperalgesia.
Keywords: Sitagliptin, Hyperalgesia, Hot plate method, Acetic acid induced Writhing test, Albino mice

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