Perks of intraoral scanner to prosthodontist: A review

Authors : Prasanna Pawar*, Kishor Mahale, Smita Khalikar, Vilas Rajguru, Sonali Mahajan

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdp.2023.024

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 104-108

Intraoral scanners (IOS) have been boon to dentistry since 1980 as it has variety of applications such as impression making, use in prosthodontics and orthodontics appliances, retainers. Digital impressions have many benefits over conventional impressions. The chief advantage is that reduced patient discomfort. Many patient factors such as anxiety and gag reflex are reduced with the help of intra oral scanners. Whereas the drawbacks of optical impressions are inability to detect deep areas of teeth such as in bleeding. High cost and its maintenance.

Keywords: Intraoral scanners, IOS, Digital dentistry, CAD/CAM, Intraoral scanners in prosthodontics

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