Comparitive evaluation of different concentrations of alcohol in ultrasound guided coeliac plexus neurolysis for pain relief in upper abdominal malignancies

Authors : Pragya Verma, Sarita Singh, Gyan P Singh, Hemlata Verma, Manish Kumar Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2021.108

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 492-500

Introduction: Patients suffering from advanced upper abdominal malignancies have pain as predominant symptom affects their quality of life and survival. USG guided coeliac plexus neurolysis become benevolence in these patients on part of their pain management and quality of life improvement.
Objective: To compare the efficacy of USG guided coeliac plexus neurolysis for pain relief in upper abdominal malignancies by using different concentration of alcohol (50% vs 75%).
Materials and Methods: This Prospective, comparative, randomised double blinded study was conducted during Sep 2019 – Aug 2020 at our tertiary care centre. Total 60 cases were taken as per following inclusion and exclusion criteria and randomly divided into 2 groups i.e. 30 each group, we compare Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score, quality of life (QOL) and need of rescue analgesia profile between the groups to know the efficacy of USG guided coeliac plexus block.
Observation and Result: In our study, we observed that the baseline mean VAS score in group I was 8.26±0.78 while in group II was 8.03±0.76. No significant difference was found in mean VAS score at this time between the groups (p=0.24). The baseline mean QOL score in group-I was 77.46±3.40 while for the cases of group II the mean QOL score was 77.36±3.33. No significant difference was found in mean QOL score at baseline between the groups (p=0.90). The baseline mean morphine consumption in group-I was 113.33±39.24 mg while for the cases of group-II the mean morphine consumption was 120.33±38.37mg. No significant difference was found in mean morphine consumption at this time between the groups (p=0.48).
Both groups having 50% alcohol and 75% alcohol decreases the VAS score from baseline in patients having upper abdominal malignancies along with QOL and dosages of rescue analgesia whereas no significant difference in VAS score in patients of both groups.

Keywords: Celiac plexus, Neurolysis, Alcohol, Abdominal malignancy.

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