A review of practices related to genital hygiene and its awareness in women

Authors : Pavneet Kaur, R K Patil, Romi Bansal, H C Patil

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2021.074

Volume : 11

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 366-369

Genital hygiene is a significant segment of women's reproductive health and the practices related to it vary worldwide depending on numerous factors. Improper hygiene of the genital area might incline the vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV) and other genital infections and morbidities. These infections can result in cervicitis, vaginitis, urethritis and trichomoniasis which have been related with serious pregnancy outcomes. Therefore, genital hygiene has a key role in preventing genital infections. But there is very little awareness about the correct and healthy hygienic practices among the adolescent girls and women. Access to correct and pragmatic information is an important prerequisite to hygienic practices. Women having better knowledge regarding genital hygiene are less vulnerable to genital infections and its consequences. The clinical pharmacist has a role to educate the females about correct hygiene practices and provide proper counseling to clear their myths, misconceptions and taboos related to menstruation.

Keywords: Genital hygiene practices, Genital infections, Menstruation, Awareness

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