Resurgence of classical caesarean section in current obstetric practice- A case series

Authors : Priyanka Mathe, Sanjana Narula Wadhwa, Taru Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.122

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 592-594

Although, the incidence of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) and large fibroids is rare but still these cases contributes to a large number of maternal morbidity and mortality. Major obstetric hemorrhage is one the dreadful complication of these types of cases and thus early diagnosis and intervention in such cases helps the physician to minimize the risk to mother and the fetus. Also, current widespread use of ultrasound has helped us to manage these cases judiciously, predict and prevent life threatening obstetric hemorrhage. Here we present three complicated obstetric cases of placenta accreta, large lower segment uterine fibroid and large cervical fibroid which necessitated classical cesarean sections (CCS) thus emphasizing prowess in CCS in modern obstetric era.
Key Messages: High index of suspicion, Multidisciplinary approach alongwith expert surgical personnel should be available in high risks cases like placenta accreta syndrome and large fibroids in pregnancy.

Keywords : Classical cesarean section, Placenta accreta syndrome, PAS, Cervical fibroid in pregnancy, Large fibroid in pregnancy, Pregnancy with fibroid, Complicated pregnancy, Fibroids in pregnancy.

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