Quality of life in patients with mandible fracture treated with closed reduction using Erich arch bar vs intermaxillary fixation screws

Authors : Ravi Gupta Banwarilal, Deepti Simon, Ajithkumar Kadukkara

DOI : 10.18231/j.jooo.2022.029

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 135-138

The aim of this study is to compare the quality of life (QoL) in patients with mandibular fractures undergoing closed reduction with conventional arch bar versus intermaxillary fixation screws at 4th week follow up. Objective is to assess the quality of life by GOHAI index in the 2 groups.
Materials and Methods: A prospective analytical study was conducted on 50 patients between the age group of 18-50 years with dentate mandibular fractures as the study sample. Patients were divided into two groups. The control group underwent four weeks of maxillomandibular fixation with arch bar and test group underwent closed reduction with intermaxillary fixation screws. Both techniques were compared in terms of GOHAI index for assessment of QoL. QoL scores were recorded at 4th week follow up. Oral hygiene, operator injuries and time taken for the procedure was also observed on day of procedure and 4th week after procedure.
Results: The GOHAI’s total value score of ? 50 indicates a good QoL, 51-56 indicates a fair living quality, and 57-70 demonstrates the poor QoL. In this study the mean rank for the control group was found to be 43.5 and 35.36 for the test group suggesting a good QoL for the test group. Conclusion: There was significant difference between QoL of control group and test group, with test group (IMF Screws) having better QoL. Arch bar placement (control) is time consuming and had more oral hygiene problems when compared to IMF screws. Operator injury is less in IMF groups, but chances of dental complications are higher.

Keywords: Intermaxillary fixation, Erich arch bar, IMF screws.

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