Ayurveda approaches to COVID-19 in 2 wave: Lessons learned from practice

Authors : Ashok Kumar Panda, Ashok Kumar Panda, Dipti Tarini Palei, Dipti Tarini Palei, Suvendu Rout, Suvendu Rout, Sarbeswar Kar, Sarbeswar Kar

DOI : 10.18231/j.jpmhh.2021.020

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 104-108

Ayurveda is a live traditional system of medicine with an unbreakable practice since 3000 years. Its principles and its approaches including oral administration of preventive drugs, herbs, formulae, decoction, indoor herbal medicine for fumigation, etc. were recommended for effective prevention and treatment whenever the emergent of new diseases. This paper highlights the patho-physiology of Corona as per Ayurveda, Clinical staging, preventive and curative approaches as learned time to time. and Anu taila nasya have excellent practice evidences for prevention of Covid-19 in 1 wave of corona. Sajeevani app developed by AYUSH to study the AYUSH practices. AYUSH -64 is an evidence-based treatment to cure mild to moderate COVID infection developed by Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences. The second wave of COVID-19 is more tragedy than 1 wave and its impact on health care systems of our nation is devastating and unprecedented. National campaign for AYUSH-64 started and it is recommended in National Clinical Management Protocol based on Ayurveda and Yoga which is vetted by National Task Force on COVID management for COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation. All Institute of Ayurveda released list of medicines for management of various symptoms of Covid. General public have more trusted upon Ayurveda practitioners as controversies of addition and deletion of steroid and antiviral in modern treatment protocol. The horror of Black (Mucormycosis) and white (Candiditis) fungus infection due to irrational use of immunosuppressive drugs confused the general people. More numbers of Covid patients received AYUSH-64 in 2 wave. Ayurveda Practice requires sound knowledge of Yukti Pramana(Logic and self judgement) by discerning clinical for better outcome irrespective of evidences and guidelines. We all are learning the pathogenesis of different mutants of Covid. Ayurveda approaches reduced the complication and progression of disease. This review will provide basic understanding Ayurveda for covid care.

Keywords: COVID-19, Ayurveda Principle, Jvara(Fever), Dhatugata Jvara, Janapadadhamsa( epidemic). AYUSH-64.

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