Oral manifestation of post cancer therapy

Authors : Mutum Sangeeta Devi, Asif Ahmed

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2021.014

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 53-56

Oral cancer has become serious health issues. It is owing to a variety of factors including poor hygiene, tobacco usage, chewing tobacco, smoking, and others. Along with surgery and chemotherapy, the most common treatments include radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Patients with cancer may experience oral toxic effects as a result of antineoplastic therapy such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. A variety of factors influence radiation, including the oral mucosa's fast cell turnover rate, the richness and complexity of the oral microbiota, and soft tissue stress during normal mouth function. The present literature review is for awareness regarding the main oral manifestation secondary to post cancer therapy.

Keywords: Oral Cancer, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Oral manifestation

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