Effect of maternal high body mass index on outcome of pregnancy in women with recurrent miscarriages

Authors : Tanvi V Wagh, Anjali V Wagh, Nandkumar Salunke, Malangori Parande

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2021.048

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 237-241

Background: The epidemic of obesity is spreading worldwide and subsequently, rate of obesity during pregnancy has also increased. Maternal overweight and obesity are widely associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Recurrent miscarriage is an important reproductive health issue, because it affects many couples. So the present study is planned to study the relationship between maternal obesity and pregnancy outcome in women with recurrent miscarriages.
Materials and Methods: Observational Cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital. 111 Postnatal women between 18 to 44 years of age with history of two or more miscarriages less than 20 weeks of gestation in previous pregnancy were included in the study. First trimester weight at the first visit (registration) was recorded, BMI was calculated & women were divided into obese and non obese groups. The outcome of present pregnancy was noted as Mode of delivery, Gestational diabetes mellitus, Pregnancy induced hypertension, Preterm delivery etc. Statistical tests were used to quantify the risk.
Results: Gestational diabetes (OR= 13.6) and pregnancy induced hypertension (OR=4.2) were significantly associated with obesity in women with recurrent miscarriages. [At 95% CI] The incidence of LSCS and preterm delivery was more in overweight and obese mothers, though not statistically significant.
Conclusions: Maternal obesity significantly contributes to poor prognosis for the mother and the baby during delivery. Hence the women of this group should be regarded as ‘high risk’ and counselling and the risk assessment should be done during ANC visits.

Keywords: Maternal obesity, Recurrent miscarriages, Adverse pregnancy outcome.

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