Dentistry & COVID-19: Spreading facts not myths

Authors : Surbhi Priyadarshi, Surbhi Priyadarshi, Arif Siddique, Arif Siddique

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2021.050

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 253-256

Dental professionals are trying to adapt to the new norms, while the medium to long-term impact of COVID-19 on dentistry needs further investigation. The COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies include strict adherence to infection control practices (use of hand sanitizers, facemask and maintaining social distancing), reducing the amount of aerosol production in the dental setting, and managing the quality of air in the dental treatment rooms by reducing the use of air conditioners and improving air exchange. Among several potential transmission sources in the spreading of the COVID-19, dental services have received a high volume of attention. The aim of this article was to review the available literature on the relevant aspects of dentistry in relation to COVID-19 and to discuss potential impacts of COVID-19 outbreak on clinical dentistry, dental education and research. Although the coronavirus pandemic has caused many difficulties for provision of clinical dentistry, there would be an opportunity for the dental educators to modernize their teaching approaches using novel digital concepts in teaching of clinical skills and by enhancement of online communication and learning platforms. This pandemic has also highlighted some of the major gaps in dental research and the need for new relevant knowledge to manage the current crisis and minimize the impact of such outbreaks on dentistry in the future.

Keywords: COVID 19, Novel coronavirus, Dentistry, Pandemic.

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