Canalicular Adenoma- A case report of a rare benign tumor of minor salivary gland of upper lip

Authors : Shivani Panhotra, Shivani Panhotra, Mohammad Jaseem Hassan, Mohammad Jaseem Hassan, Shivali Sehgal, Shivali Sehgal, Sabina Khan, Sabina Khan, Sujata Jetley, Sujata Jetley

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2020.062

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 320-322

Among all salivary gland tumors, Canalicular adenoma constitutes only 1% of all neoplasms. Oral cavity
is the most common location for this rare benign neoplasm of minor salivary glands. Within oral cavity
upper lip is the most common site for this tumor followed by buccal mucosa and sometimes it is rarely
seen in parotid gland. Previously CA was considered as a type of monomorphic adenoma, however in
latest World Health Organization (WHO) classification, CA is classified as a separate entity under benign
neoplasms. Here we report a case of CA in a 65 year old female patient who presented with swelling
upper lip since 10 months. The swelling was painless submucosal nodule, firm in consistency measuring
approximately 2 cm in diameter. Diagnosis of mucous retention cyst was made clinically. Cyst was excised
and on histopathological examination we made diagnosis of Canalicular adenoma. We report this case
because of rarity of this lesion.

Keywords: Benign cyst, Canalicular adenoma, Lips, Minor salivary gland, Monomorphic adenoma.

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