Clinical diagnostic dilemma: Oral verruciform xanthoma

Authors : Kale Tejraj P, Manavadaria Yash C, Naik Veena V, Motimath Abhishek S

DOI : 10.18231/j.jooo.2021.063

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 243-246

Verruciform xanthoma is a specific but not so common, papillary growth typically occurring on the oral mucosa of middle-aged persons. It is a unique entity and has found to be incident in 0.025-0.05% of all cases reported as per the literature study. One such case of 75 days duration was successfully managed with complete local surgical excision. The surgical site was monitored for one year postoperatively with no signs of recurrence or other postoperative complications. Clinical perspective, histopathological highlights and differential interpretation is discussed in this article with an in-depth review of the literature. It is important to consider this rare entity in the differential diagnosis of lesions involving oral mucosa as its clinical and histological features overlap with several other lesions.

Keywords: Foam cells, Histopathology, Recurrence, Surgical excision, Verruciform xanthoma.

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