A review on open bite

Authors : Anshul Munjal, Adeeba Ali, Sharon Ann Abraham, Bater Jini

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2021.046

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 277-285

Normal occlusion is analyzed in three dimensions- sagittal, vertical and transverse, and any deviation in these three parameters are further attributed to skeletal, dental, habitual or a combination of the three factors. Open bite characterized by insufficient or absence of contact between anterior and/or posterior teeth have been found to be one of the most complex vertical malocclusion to treat with high tendency for relapse in both surgical and non surgical intervention. The aim of the article is to arrive at a precise diagnosis and classify with early intervention using the most appropriate treatment and retention modalities to achieve long term functional and esthetic goals.

Keywords: open bite, vertical dysplasia, anterior open bite, vertical control

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