Periostat as a host modulating agent in the downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase {MMP} activity: A review

Authors : Pooja Bharadwaj, Pooja Bharadwaj, Alankrita Singh Chouhan, Alankrita Singh Chouhan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpi.2021.033

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 192-194

Chronic Periodontitis is defined as the infection and the inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth with the progressive loss of attachment. As a result of this inflammation, the immune system gets activated leading to the release of various immunoinflammatory cells which in turn leads to release of cytokines which amplify the immune response leading to the clearance of infection. But if there is a release of cytokines over a longer period of time, it leads to the release of inflammatory mediators and one of such inflammatory mediators, is the matrix metalloproteinase, which leads to degradation of extracellular matrix. Periostat is one of the FDA approval host modulating agent which acts by downregulating the destructive aspect of matrix metalloproteinase and thus upregulate the protective aspect of host response.

Keywords: Chronic Periodontitis, host response, Matrix Metalloproteinases, Periostat, submicrobial dose doxycycline

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