Rare case study of Covid agitation: The novel sinner causes a diagnostic dilemma

Authors : Gyanendra Singh Bhadauria, Swarnima Singh, M K Patra

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2022.012

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 60-66

COVID-19 pandemic has taught us a whole new set of medical terminologies. Since its inception, COVID-19 has claimed millions of lives and continues to haunt mankind. CNS manifestations of COVID-19 haven’t been explored thoroughly and leave a grey area in current knowledge. Since most of the cases with CNS manifestations have been ignored and reached higher centers very late, the mortality rate has been high and further study has been limited in this subset.Here 02 cases of COVID-associated CNS infection presenting with atypical neurological symptoms have been reported who could have been easily misdiagnosed and treated inadequately causing abysmal results.MRI brain combined with SARS-CoV-2 RNA testing are the mainstay diagnostic modalities clubbed with strong clinical suspicion.COVID-19 was considered as a respiratory disease but the latest literature clearly highlights its multisystem involvement. CNS involvement in COVID-19 has been well-established now and needs to be treated aggressively and appropriately.

Keywords: Covid­19, Neurological symptoms, SARS­CoV­2, Enchaphalitis, Encephalopathy, CSF Cytology, MRI Brain, D­DIMER, Agitation, Headache, Microhemorrhages, DELIRIOUS, PCR, Covid­19 positive, SARS­CoV­2 RNA, Flair

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