Rehabilitation of post Covid mucormycosis maxillectomy defect with hollow obturator: A case series

Authors : Swapnil Chincholikar, Gaurav Lalwani

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2022.008

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 38-41

India saw a devastating second wave of Coronavirus and along with the fatal nature of the disease the healthcare professionals saw a huge number of post Covid problems. One of these, is a fungal disease called mucormycosis which although an uncommon fungal infection can cause blackening of skin, redness, inflammation, sores and can encroach the eyes, lungs and even the brain. This warrants for extensive surgical resection and debridement of the necrosed areas resulting in maxillary and orbital defects. Intraoral defects in the maxilla cause communication with the nasopharyngeal complex. The surgically removed palate has a devastating effect on the appearance and speech of the patient. Obturator allows patients to eat and drink without letting the food to enter the oroantral cavities/ pharynx during mastication. This case series focusses on prosthetic rehabilitation of two patients with Hollow obturator post hemimaxillectomy in order to restore form and function.

Keywords: Post­Covid Mucormycosis, Hollow bulb Obturator, Maxillary defects

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