Primary spinal chordoma: A rarity in itself, with a rarity of its own

Authors : A.Keerthy Aberna, K Rama

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2022.058

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2022

Page No : 248-251

Chordoma accounts for 1-4% of all primary malignant tumours of bone. Besides advances in rgical techniques and radiation therapy, tumour may recur locally or metastasize to distant sites with local recurrence being predominant form. Here we present a case report of primary spinal chordoma which recurred locally within a year of surgical excision. Chordoma of spine is a rare low grade malignant tumour with strong propensity for local recurrence. Long term follow up is usually recommended as there is high chance of recurrence and malignant transformation even after surgery followed by radiation therapy.

Keywords: Spinal Chordoma, Intradural, Physaliferous cells

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