Inter thenar skin sparing carpal tunnel release- role of incisions and endoscope - A case report

Authors : Narendra.S. Mashalkar, Narendra.S. Mashalkar

DOI : 10.18231/j.jsas.2022.013

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 63-66

Endoscope in plastic surgery has played a role, wherever minimal scarring is required. An attempt to decrease the length of scar is one of the priorities of a surgeon, as this brings down the chance of scarring, pain and associated morbidity, with decreased hospital stay. Hand is an organ with intricate anatomy and many vital structures are densely packed in hand. This makes the available space scarce for another instrument to add into the hand.
Hence endoscopic intervention in hand is negligible. The margin of error also remains negligible in hand, as it would compromise on the function of hand, which is an absolute necessity.
Aesthetic appearance of hand is not as important as function; nevertheless if possible, one should also consider giving an aesthetic scar with good function of hand and these criteria will be the goal for any hand surgeon.

Keywords: Carpal tunnel, Endoscopic assisted, Inter thenar space, Incisions

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