A study of antibacterial action of honey against bacteria isolated from wound infection: An in-vitro study

Authors : Sharon Maria Concessao, Meena Dias

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2022.034

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 163-167

Introduction: As a consequence of overuse and misuse of antibiotics along with the intrinsic and acquired resistance of bacteria has given rise to multi drug resistant strains. This problem can be overcome by using naturally occurring products which have antibacterial effects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of honey against bacteria isolated from wound infections and to compare the antimicrobial efficacy of different varieties of honey.
Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study was conducted for a period of two months. A total number of 49 bacterial isolates from clinically infected wounds were tested against the antimicrobial activity of honey on 43 bacteria isolated from wound infections. Four varieties of honey were used to test the bacteria.our kinds of honey samples.
Results: Wild variety (Apisdorsata) and Wild variety (Apisflorea) had good antibacterial activity against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria compared to Culture variety (Apiscerana) and Commercial honey (Dabur) which showed poor activity.
Conclusion: Different honeys showed diverse susceptibility patterns against the tested multi drug resistant bacteria.

Keywords: Bacteria, Honey, Antibacterial action

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