Studies of malignant & non-malignant lung lesions detected by USG guided FNAC in the Saurashtra region

Authors : Jaysukhkumar Berani, J D Dalsania, Gauravi Dhruva

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2024.061

Volume : 11

Issue : 3

Year : 2024

Page No : 284-288

USG Guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a minimally invasive procedure used to obtain cellular samples from lung lesions for diagnostic purposes. With the help of ultrasound (USG) accurately guide the needle to the target area, ensuring precise and effective sampling. It is safe, less traumatic, quick and cost-effective tool being minimally invasive & excellent patient’s compliance. : Studies of Malignant & Non-malignant Lung Lesions Detected by USG Guided FNAC. 58 patients come for USG Guided FNAC to P.D.U. hospital was studied in the duration of year November 2021- October 2022. : Out of 58 cases 79.31% were male. Maximum case present in quinquagenarian age group. 67.24% having malignant lesions and 25.86% have non-malignant lesions, 8.62% was inconclusive aspirated. Squamous cell carcinoma was identified as the most common malignant tumor. : USG Guided FNAC provides a reliable diagnosis of pulmonary lesions, reducing morbidity and mortality, and allowing for early initiation of treatment.

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