The Role of MicroGrids Using Solar Energy for Network Reliability

Authors : Mohammad Reza Ghodsi, Abbas Shiri

DOI : 10.5281/ZENODO.5606424

Volume : 0

Issue : 0

Year : 2016

Page No : 0

Increasing global energy consumption, as well as the destructive effects of increasing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental issues on the one hand, and having a stable electricity grid on the other, have made power electronics converters such as highly functional devices and intelligent management components. Use energy that is always associated with renewable energy systems, including high-efficiency solar energy. Because solar photovoltaic panels had low efficiency, they achieved maximum power dissipation (MPP) using electronic power converters. Also, because photovoltaic cells generate direct voltage (DC) and are used for small uses, they are converted to AC (AC) voltage by power converters for industrial use. So far, many models of solar power converter electronics simulators have been presented, in which an example system is examined by the Matlab software. With the use of electronic converters, the stability of the network in the power systems section of solar energy will be met. The DC_DC converter flow response as well as the AC_DC reactifier converter of the solar system were extracted and analyzed as responses of the system in loadless, with and without solar panels, etc.

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