The influence of gonadal hormones on muscle metaboreflex and endurance to a single bout of static isometric exercise

Authors : Nirmala S Anand, Shivaprasad S Goudar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2019.056

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 252-255

There are unanswered questions with respect to participation of females in competitive sports whether the fluctuating sex steroid levels of menstrual cycle affect the muscle contractility, endurance as well as the metaboreflex generated out of it.
Aim: To study the impact of different phases of menstrual cycle on select muscle properties like MVC, MET, time to fatigue as well as HR and BP responses to the static isometric exercise metaboreflex.
Materials and Methods: Thirty eumenorrhic females were enrolled during different phases of menstrual cycle. The subjects were asked to maintain the grip on the Jamar hand grip dynamometer at 30% MVC, the endurance time and time to fatigue were calculated and cardiovascular responses arising out of it like Heart rate, BP were recorded.
Statistical Analysis: Data was analyzed statistically using student’s paired t-test.
Results: The luteal phase showed higher values for all the baseline characteristics like HR, SBP and DBP. The (210±12.51) sec endurance time in the follicular phase was greater than (196±19.15) sec in the luteal phase, the MVC value (162±16.45) Newton was significant in the follicular phase as compared to luteal phase value of (158±20.34) Newton, The HR was (90±26.45) bpm in the follicular and (98.2±32.34) bpm in the luteal phase using isometric HGD.
Conclusion: The luteal phase of menstrual cycle emphasized that the muscle was easily fatigued vis-a –vis the follicular phase where the muscle exemplified a greater contractile strength. The pressor response to the ergonomically generated metaboreflex for a bout of static isometric exercise was higher during the luteal phase.

Keywords: Follicular, HGD, Isometric, MVC.

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