Passenger perspectives on airline service quality in post-flight services: A conceptual analysis

Authors : Vidhu P Sekhar, U Faisal

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2023.026

Volume : 10

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 151-156

This research paper examines the variables that impact airline service quality for post-flight services provided to passengers at their destination. The study identifies factors like delayed baggage, poor baggage handling, inadequate customer service, lack of information, and confusing airport layouts as critical variables that significantly affect customer satisfaction. The paper emphasizes that airlines and airports must address these service-related issues to provide passengers with a positive travel experience, particularly during disruptions. To improve post-flight service quality, airlines should focus on reducing delayed bags and enhancing baggage handling procedures. Clear communication with customers, prompt updates on baggage status, offering compensation for poor handling, efficient problem resolution, staff training, clear signage, straightforward layout, easy access to baggage information, and implementing baggage tracking systems can significantly improve post-flight service quality. Airlines can provide a better customer experience by addressing these variables, leading to increased loyalty and positive word of mouth.

Keywords: Post­flight services, Service quality, Delayed baggage, Customer service, Airport layout, Baggage handling and misrouted baggage

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