The biofilm conundrum in orthodontics: Investigating the role of the bonding procedure

Authors : Ekta Gupta, Sparsh Srivastava, Shekhar K. Asarsa, Shubhita Sethi, Dnyanesh Shul, Vinit Kumar Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2023.029

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 159-163

This article explores the conundrum of biofilm formation in orthodontics, its impact on oral health, and the role of the bonding procedure. Biofilms are resilient structures formed through stages like attachment, adhesion, growth, and maturation, with the extracellular matrix (EPS) playing a vital role. The bonding procedure unintentionally creates surfaces where bacteria thrive, leading to biofilm development. Factors like oral hygiene, diet, and bracket design influence biofilm formation. Maintaining oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment can be challenging due to food trapping and cleaning difficulties. Strategies to minimize biofilms involve patient education, improved bonding techniques, and antimicrobial agents. Biofilms can lead to dental decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, and white spot lesions. Combating biofilms requires collaboration, patient education, and ongoing research. Improved management can lead to better oral health outcomes for orthodontic patients.

Keywords: Orthodontics, Biofilms, Bonding procedure, Oral hygiene

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