Comparison of sub trochanteric femur fracture treatment with intra medullary proximal femur nail versus proximal femur nail with trochanteric support plate

Authors : Ajay Singh Thakur, Satwik Thareja, Sachin Patel, R N Sonkar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijos.2023.027

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 127-131

Background: Comparison of sub trochanteric femur fracture treatment with intramedullary proximal femur nail vs intramedullary proximal femur nail augmented with trochanteric support plate.
Materials and Methods : Two groups were divided from 50 patients to 25 in each and first were treated with PFN and the other with a combination of PFN plus trochanteric support plate.
Results: At the end of 6 months all except 2 patient from group 1 mobilized unassisted while all the patient from group 2 got mobilized unassisted. Based on harries hip score.
Conclusion : Intramedullary fixation with intra medullary proximal femur nail plus trochanteric support feasible for the treatment of subtrochanteric femur fracture. Intraoperative reduction and surgical skill are important for the clinical outcome and the patients.

Keywords: PFN -Proximal femur Nail, TSP -Trochanteric Support Plate, HHS -Harris Hip Score.

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