Data migration and retrospective conversion using marcedit: A study of Koha

Authors : Gulafsha , Pooja Mishra, Atasi Chakravarty, Rupak Chakravarty

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijlsit.2023.002

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 5-13

The researcher introduces the work by explaining the background of the study. It goes ahead to state the statement of the problem (which in this case is the Data Migration and Retrospective Conversion using MarcEdit: a study of Koha objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study and significance and scheme of the study.The purpose of this study is the researcher prepare the data ready for Koha import. excel to koha software for enhancing library services and make housekeeping operations of library easy and quick. The researcher has an overview of the critical appreciation and tries to give the statement of knowledge in the field of study as well as try to identify the possible solutions of the study questions; investigator also gives review of previous relevant literature. Retrospective conversion helps catalogue in a library to convert traditional form into a machine-readable form. The researcher used tables when illustrating the data collected. Quantitative and qualitative data was then analysed and estimation by presented in tabular form using excel worksheets. The tools that are used to migrate data from excel to Koha that is MarcEdit 7.5.Research output defines as the quantity and quality of finished research works. A conceptual model for data migration using Koha was also designed which could be tested for future scope of the study taking in more organization. In recent time ReCON considered as a powerful tool for any type of library to change existing library management system to another system for providing easy and relatively reliable to access the resources. The library management system of different kinds with powerful features are available in the market; which can also be used in academic library in order to promote library activities and services for the benefit of academic fraternity and research output. The researcher also states and gives a summarized discussion, a finding, suggestions for further research.

Keywords: Koha Library Automation software, ReCON, Data migration, Communications Technologies (ICT)

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