Non Extraction Treatment of skeletal Class II using Powerscope: A Case report

Authors : Rahul Paul, Mudita Gupta, Vineet Golchha Deepti Yadav, Ish Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2020.013

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 12-15

Powerscope is one of the innovations in fixed functional appliances. It is based on the concept of forward displacement of mandible with distal movement of maxilla thus reducing the class II skeletal tendency to class I, hence it is a class II corrector which is used in a treatrment of mandibular retrusion by bringing about increase in mandibular length. It is a very effective appliance to be used in a non compliant patient as it is a one piece fixed appliance attached to the wires thus reducing the chances of bond failures at brackets and tubes. It brings about growth modification in skeletal class II cases by sagittal movement of the mandible. Based on the advantages of powerscope over other fixed functional appliances the following case report exhibits a case which showed significant changes in Class II malocclusion without going for an extraction approach.

Keywords: Fixed Functional Appliance, Class II corrector, Patient Compliance, Growth Modification, Mandibular Retrusion

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