A rare and challenging case of pineal gland tumor – A case report

Authors : Impana BD*, Seethalakshmi S, Raghavendran R

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.043

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 181-184

Pineal gland tumors are of rare occurrence and may arise from pineal parenchymal cells, the neighboring glia or residual stem cells. Due to its rarity pineal gland tumors are often misdiagnosed. The World Health Organsation (WHO) classifies and grades pineal parenchymal tumors from grade I to grade IV. We present a case report of a rare pineal parenchymal tumor (PPT) in an adult female which was diagnosed mainly on histopathology and aided by immunohistochemistry. The case report includes review of histopathological features and grading of pineal region tumors of intermediate malignancy which is necessary for further management of such cases.

Keywords: Pineal parenchymal tumors, Intermediate malignancy

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