Investigation of the ergonomic suitability and the health related quality of life among the students in online education during the COV?D-19 pandemic

Authors : Cemaliye Hürer, Cemaliye Hürer, Ferdiye Zabit Özdemir, Ferdiye Zabit Özdemir, Emine Ahsen Şenol, Emine Ahsen Şenol, Zehra Güçhan Topcu, Zehra Güçhan Topcu

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijnmhs.2021.029

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 164-170

Background: Students suddenly came across with a new education system due to pandemic. Health education needs practices including manual skills so education method is totally affected in Faculties of Health Sciences.
Aims: The aim of this study is to examine the ergonomic suitability of the studying posture and health-related quality of life of the students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Setting and Design: Faculties of Health Sciences of the Universities in Northern Cyprus, a cross-sectional study design
Ergonomic designs were evaluated from five pictures and a total score was obtained. Nottingham Health Profile was used to determine the quality of life during this new education version.
Results and Conclusions: Only 12.8% of the students used a great posture and some parameters of quality of life were found different between female and males (p<0>

Keywords: Computer, Distant learning, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pain

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