Awareness knowledge of spectacles to contact lens usage among health care students

Authors : Mounika Gopishetty, Mounika Gopishetty, Syeda Sadiya Ikram, Syeda Sadiya Ikram, Sanjeev Kumar Puri, Sanjeev Kumar Puri

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2022.051

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 254-258

Objective: Objective of our study was to determine the awareness, knowledge of spectacles wear to contact lens among health care students after interventions and to find which is more advisable.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire study was done on 140 healthy subjects, age group between 18-25 years, subjects with ametropic only were included. In this questionnaire study, pre and post data is collected among health care students regarding awareness, knowledge of spectacles to contact lenses, On pre examination participants were asked questions on their demographics, spectacles history, contact lens, history of contact lens usage, care practice and their related complications and video is shown to create awareness after which post awareness data is collected.
Results: A total of 140 undergraduate ametropic health care students comprising of 97 (69%) females and43 (30%) males aged 18-25 participated in this study. Out of total participants, a greater majority of 52 (52%) participants were not aware of usage of refractive error correction a pre assessment and post assessment seventy one(71%) achieved awareness regarding usage of refractive error corrections.
Conclusions: Awareness and knowledge increasing public awareness, knowledge of spectacles to contact lens can improve the effectiveness of result from 47.1% to 89.5%. In this study out of total participants a great majority of 52.1% subjects were not aware of usage of refractive error correction in pre-assessment after providing them with adequate knowledge, the result improve to 71.4% in post- assessment data.

Keywords: Awareness, Knowledge, Spectacles, Contact lens.

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