An overview: Herbal cosmetics and cosmeceuticals

Authors : Phatangre Piyal, L. Phalke Pallavi, T. Phatangare, Sharmale Mani

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpca.2023.017

Volume : 10

Issue : 2

Year : 2023

Page No : 84-90

The Greek term “kosm tikos,” which meaning having the capacity to arrange and adorn in a dazzling style, is where the word “cosmetic” originates. Here, a number of legal cosmetic chemicals are used to create the products as a base, and one or more herbal substances are then added to provide certain cosmetic benefits. “Herbal cosmetics” is the term used to describe these goods. Everyday items including herbal face wash, herbal conditioner, herbal soap, herbal shampoo, herbal face mask, and others are produced. Numerous herbal plants can be found in nature, and they include a wide range of chemical ingredients that are employed in the creation of cosmetics. Demand has increased as a direct result of the contemporary desire to look younger than one’s true age and to be attractive, youthful, lovable, and fair.

Keywords: Cosmetic, Cosmeceutical, Skin and Hair Care, Anti­aging, Essential oil

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