A study on diagnostic and prognostic significance of laboratory parameters and its correlation with HRCT of lung in Covid-19 patients

Authors : Radha Mohan Meena, Radha Mohan Meena, Rajeev Saxena, Rajeev Saxena, Lakshmi Agarwal, Lakshmi Agarwal, Nidhi Agarwal, Nidhi Agarwal, Sakshi Singh, Sakshi Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2023.006

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 23-28

Introduction: Coronaviruses had a wide range of symptoms from asymptomatic to severe illness and has caused significant morbidity and death among large population infected with this virus.
Aims and Objectives: To correlate CT severity score with each blood parameter like (TLC counts, Absolute neutrophil count, Absolute lymphocyte count, neutrophilic/lymphocytic ratio, quantitative D-dimer, ferritin, CRP, IL-6 and LDH). To assess diagnostic and prognostic significance of each parameter in predicting severity of disease.
Materials and Methods: The present study was a 1-year prospective, a hospital-based study from 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2021 and included 100, COVID-19 confirmed cases. The clinical, radiological and laboratory reports were collected. The CT score were compared with different blood parameters. The results were analyzed statistically using correlation coefficient(r).
Results and Observations: 27 patients having a CT severity score 1-10 were graded in mild category. 27 patients having CT severity score 11-15 were graded in moderate category.34 patients having CT severity score 16- 20 were graded as severe.12 patients having CT severity score 21-25 were graded as very severe. The present study showed raised TLC count > 11000 / µl in 35% patients suffering from COVID -19. Absolute neutrophil count > 7000/µl was seen in 50 % patients. 65% patients showed Absolute lymphocyte count <1000> 3.5 was seen in 83% patients. Raised D-Dimer >500 ng/ml was observed in 74 % patients. 92 % subjects showed raised Serum ferritin >150ng/ml. IL-6 >10pg/ml was seen in 92 % patients. Q-CRP >10 mg/l was seen in 97 % patients.
Conclusion: HRCT chest severity score of patients with COVID-19 has positive correlation with various laboratory parameters and hence can be used as an indicator of disease severity. It can play a vital role in the management of COVID-19 and should be used for comprehensive evaluation.

Keywords: COVID­19, SARS­Cov­2, ACE­2, ANC, N/L ratio, LDH

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