Utilitarian fixed space maintainer in an 8-year old with multilateral dentoalveolar abscess- A case report

Authors : Nezy Susan Varghese, Ruchika Kundra, Abi M Thomas

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2023.023

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2023

Page No : 127-129

Early exfoliation of primary molars is common among pediatric patients. Construction of a space maintainer should be in accordance with the age of the child and developmental status of the dentition. Pediatric dentists should not only address the space loss but also consider the functional, emotional and hygienic challenges the child might face. The subject was 8 years old and presented with multilateral dentoalveolar abscess and difficulty in chewing. Pain of the involved teeth was addressed through multidisciplinary approach followed by construction of utilitarian fixed space maintainer. The conclusion was that the construction of bilateral utilitarian fixed space maintainer not only addressed the preservation of leeway space but also restored the functional efficacy.

Keywords: ­ Dentoalveolar abscess, Utilitarian fixed space maintainer, Leeway space.

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