An autopsy case of carbon monoxide poisoning: A case report

Authors : Kalpesh Chaudhari, Jitendra Rathod, O Gambhir Singh*

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2023.008

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 44-46

Asphyxial death from Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is occasionally reported in India. Here in this case report we present such a case of accidental CO poisoning. It was a case of a man aged about 38 years old contractor who succumbed to CO poisoning during sleep on a fateful night. He was a chain smoker with occasional alcohol consumption. The incident occurred inside a bed room which was latched from inside. He was found dead lying on the floor by the side of a semi burnt mattress. There are very few case reports on such poisoning cases that’s the main reason of presenting this article.

Keywords: Asphyxia, Carbon monoxide poisoning, Closed space, Accidental death, Silent Killer

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