Dentoalveolar compensation in various skeletal malocclusion groups in district solan population: A cephalometric study

Authors : Merry Goyal, Yenika Manchanda, Sanjay Mittal, Isha Aggarwal, Avijit Avasthi

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2023.007

Volume : 11

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 28-35

Objective: To assess the position and inclination of upper and lower incisors and bases in different groups of skeletal malocclusions.
Materials and Methods:  45 pretreatment lateral cephalometric radiographs were included. They were divided into his three groups of skeletal class I, class II, and class III. A variety of linear and angular measurements were used to assess both the position and inclination of the maxillary and mandibular bases, incisors, and the relationship between the incisors.
Results: There was a significantly stronger correlation between anterior-posterior skeletal mismatch and maxillary alveolar bone compensation in skeletal classes I, II, and III. Except for maxillary vertical skeletal discrepancy (MP-SN) and alveolar compensation, there was a weak correlation between maxillary and mandibular vertical skeletal discrepancy and alveolar compensation. The anterior-posterior position of the skeletal jaw had a greater effect on alveolar bone changes than the vertical inclination of the skeletal jaw in the Grad variant.
Conclusions: There may be a relationship between alveolar bone changes and skeletal anteroposterior and vertical position, inclination and intermaxillary relationship.
Keywords: Alveolar compensation, Skeletal malocclusion, Cephalometric

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