Urease activity in caries free and caries active children

Authors : Vinod Kumar, Vinod Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2020.060

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 294-298

Background: Few studies have proven that urease has caries inhibiting effect. Urease enzymes hydrolyze urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. This ammonia raises the pH value of plaque and saliva which will reduce caries activity. The aim of this investigation was to measure and compare the urease activity level before and after carbohydrate rinse in caries free and caries active children of 5-12 years.
Materials and Methods: 30 caries free and 30 caries active children aged 5-12 years were selected for the study. A child was not eligible if he/she has systemic illness and received antibiotics within the last three months. DMFT/dmft was recorded to define the caries status, unstimulated saliva was collected in the eppendorf tubes and supra gingival plaque was collected from all available smooth surfaces. Urease activity was measured following biochemical protocol. Mean, standard deviation, median, and range (min.-max.) of urease activity was calculated. TheIndependent sample t test” was done to compare urease activity in both groups. Paired sample t test” was applied to knowthe change in the urease activity pre and post oral sucrose rinse in saliva and plaque
Results: Increased saliva and plaque urease activity was found in caries free group compared to caries active group and in both groups urease activity increased after oral carbohydrate rinse for both saliva and plaque samples
Conclusion: The strategy can be developed for carbohydrate rinse to generate higher urease activity for caries control and urease activity measurement could be considered as parameter for caries risk assessment in children.

Keywords: Ammonia, Caries active, Caries free, Urease.

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